Sound Transit Lynnwood Link Extension Final Design
Lynnwood, Washington
Project Type
Link Light Rail, Transit, Design, Stations
SCL Project Role
Systems Quality Management and Verification Services
Project Description
The Lynnwood Light Rail Extension is an 8.5-mile light rail extension from Northgate in the City of Seattle through four cities towards the Lynnwood Transit Center in the city of Lynnwood. This project will serve four stations with fast and reliable service between Snohomish County, the University of Washington, downtown Seattle, Sea-Tac Airport and among many others. Each station will have a 380-foot-long center platform to accommodate trains consists of four light rail vehicles. The design of this extension is also constructed to accommodate and in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements and is fully integrated with the operating light rail system.
Scope of Work
SCL is providing systems quality management and verification services as well as leading the quality audits and checking quality documentation. In addition, SCL is responsible for the resolution of design issues and procedural document verification. While working strongly with Sound Transit, SCL submits milestone design reports and records to ensure project interface and design compliance.