Denver RTD North Metro Rail Line Design-Build

Denver, Colorado

Project Type

Commuter Rail, Rapid Transit, People Movers, Bridges

SCL Project Role

Quality Managers

Project Description

The North Metro Rail Line is an 18.5-mile electric commuter rail line fixed guideway transit that runs from Denver Union Station through Commerce City, Thornton, and Northglenn to Highway 7 in North Adams County. The line features eight stations and 3,850 park and ride spaces. This project will help provide mobility improvements, regional connectivity and serve traditional and new transit users.

Scope of Work

SCL’s Quality Assurance (QA) Team oversaw the day-to-day management of the Quality Management System (QMS) and served as the liaison between the owner agency and contractor. SCL’s QA Manager supervised the compliance with QA/QC document control processes; verified compliance with design and construction requirements, performed quality assurance audits, reviewed, and approved quality plans and documentation, attended project progress meetings, conducted field reviews, and monthly quality progress reports. SCL was also responsible for assuring compliance with all ISO requirements as stipulated in agency’s Quality Assurance Program Plan.